BOTS OF BITCOIN (BOB) are 10k Unique ROBOT PFPs who will Live on Bitcoin EVM L2s.Along with Each being an Attractive BOT PFP , they come with a Range of Utilities and Benifits within BOTS OF BITCOIN as well as in Partner Ecosystems.

Utilities & Benifits for Holders:

There are multiple Utilities and Incentives planned for holders of BOTS OF BITCOIN , they are :

Not only Limited to these uses & Benifits for Holders, The utilities will be ever expanding based on what the Community Desires and Decided and Enforced through Voting. Additionally Genesis Minters are Considered Early Supporters and Enjoy a set of Bonuses even if they no longer hold their NFTs.

Benifits for Minters :

Distribution and Gensis Mint Structure :

Total Supply of BOTS OF BITCOIN - BOB PFPs ⇒ 10,000 UNITS.

For Public Mint : 8,000 Units FCFS.

Partners & Ambassadors : 1000 Units are reserved for Partners & Ambassadors.

Ecosystem : 1000 Units Reserved for Ecosystem use. Voted through Community Governance.