Staking :-

Holders of BOB and $BOTS would be able to stake their NFTs and Tokens Respectively to earn Yeild in $BOTS fueled by a combination of Platform Revenue & Yield Strategies to Provide High APY Rates in a Sustainable way. Stakers get the right to vote for Platform Changes and Decisions.

Yield Vaults:-

Yield Vaults is a collection of Tokenized Vaults seperated by Various Yield strategies and Asset Combinations. Enabled by the Value & Secuirity of Bitcoin combined with EVM utility. Yeild Strategies for a Vault can consist of Single or Aggregated Solutions like for eg Lending/Borrwing Strategy ,a combination of Restaking + Market Making Bots etc. Further additions of Yield Strategies will be decided by Community through Voting. Here are some planned strategies for Vaults:

  1. Automated Market Making ⇒ Vaults powered with only Market Making bots that trade 24/7 and profit off from Market Volatility.
  2. Restaking Strategy ⇒ Vaults powered with Restaking on Restaking Protocols for BTC L2s. Users can earn Yeild from restaking by depositing Stable Coins.
  3. Hybrid Strategy ⇒ Vaults having a Hybrid Strategy of Restaking + AMM offering users with a choice for a dual route on their yield.